The Phoenix Flyer: St. Thomas More School Newsletter
May 22-26, 2023
Principal’s Message
Building Community – One Body, Many Parts
1 Corinthians 12:12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
Dear Parents and Families,
Spring has definitely sprung! Warmer temperatures, smiling faces, energetic bodies on the playground – all things that demonstrate the exuberance we expect during spring as go into the final few weeks of school.
We hope to see our families from Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grades at our Kinship Mass. Just a reminder that if you haven’t turned in your registration materials, please do so this week.
I didn’t have any new pictures this week so I’m adding a few more pictures from our track meet. Thanks to Mike Hequibal for capturing the very essence of our kiddos in his gorgeous photos!
ᏙᎯᏱ (dohiyi) (“Peace” in Cherokee),
Elizabeth Glaze
Dates to Remember
5/26 Kinship Mass, 9:00am (Grades K, 1, 3, 5, and 7 only)
5/29 Memorial Day. No school.
6/1 Parents Club – Volunteer Appreciation
6/1 Spring Concert, 7pm
6/4 Baccalaureate Mass, 10:30am
6/8 8th Grade Graduation Breakfast, 10am
6/8 8th Grade Graduation, 7pm
6/14 Scrub Day, Knights of Columbus BBQ
6/15 Field Day
6/16 Moving Up Ceremony; Last Day of School
Auction Update
Are you ready? The Teacher Experiences from the Family Auction are still available for purchase!
Last Friday was the Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Class. Class was assisted by our very own 7th grader, Sofie Hardi!
Please bring cash or check to the school office and remember, first come, first serve!
Thank you,
The Family Auction Team
Barajas, Hardi, and Golla Families
Kid’s Night Out (aka Parent’s Night Out)- (June 2, 5:00-7:30pm)
Grades K-4
Your Kid’s Night Out is also a chance for a Parent’s Night Out! Drop your kids off in Dalton Hall where they will have a pizza party and play games with some of their teachers! It’s a great chance for them to socialize with kids in different grades!
Cheer Camp – (June 10, 1:30-4:30pm)
“Cheer your heart out with Ms. Chambers and Mrs. Tupou! Learn the basics of cheerleading or take your skills to the next level. This will take place in Dalton Hall.”
Local Area Events
Flag Football at AMHS
The Boys & Girls Club of Snohomish County is hosting a Flag Football program at AMHS for students in Grades 1-8. The program runs from Sunday, April 23 through May 28, 2023. Please see the link to the flyer below for more information.
AMHS Wildcat Buddies
Archbishop Murphy High School’s Wildcat Buddy Program matches elementary school students with AMHS athletes. Please see the link to the flyer below for more information.
AMHS Junior Summer Strength & Conditioning Camp
Archbishop Murphy High School will have a summer strength and conditioning camp from July 11th-August 10th. The cost is $50 for all 5 weeks and is open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Please see the flyer below for more information.
AMHS Summer Strength & Conditioning Camp
Parent Club
Another fun week at STMS! We finished our track meets with flying colors! STMS students and families had a blast at Bunco Night! Some of us didn’t know how to play but by the end of the night, we were all rolling in dice, pizza, sweets, and laughters of fun! The kids were pros! Thank you to Brandy Corujo for bringing us all together and to Tracy Szymanski McCarron for coming back to teach us how to play and facilitate the games! Truly a great event for the whole family!
More fun is coming up this week! If you didn’t get to sign up at the Family Auction, there’s more teacher experiences available to join in!
- Phoenix Cup – (May 24, 5:30-8:30pm), GRADES 5-8, $25
- Kids Night Out (aka Parent’s Night Out)- (June 2, 5:00-7:30pm), Grades K-4, $25
- Cheer Camp – (June 10, 1:30-4:30pm), $50
- Kinship Mass Friday at 9am (Grades K, 1,3,5,7 only)
- May 29th – No school on Memorial Day
- June 1st 8:30am – Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast in the Rengli Room
- June 1st – Spring Concert
Please join us for our Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Thursday, June 1st at the Rengli Room after drop off at 8:30am. Thank you to all the parents and families for all your contribution and support throughout this year!
Have an awesome week!With gratitude,Francesca and Suzi
Scrip News!
In the ’22-’23 School Year, STM School & Parish families earned a total of $16,251.41 in Rebates for our school! 👏👏👏
Several families earned their fundraising commitment shopping with Scrip gift cards! See what they said:”Scrip is the easiest way to help hit your yearly fundraising goal because you earn fundraising dollars at stores that you may already shop at. For example: Nike, Gap/Old Navy, Nordstrom, Pottery Barn, Fred Meyer, Amazon and even restaurants like Buffalo Wild Wings, Starbucks, and IXTAPA!”-Michael Hequibal (Grade 6)”Honestly, the RaiseRight app has been a miracle! I use it for online shopping all the time (Amazon, Target, etc.), and it’s even fast enough that I can approximate how much I need while I’m in line at a store and order it while I’m waiting to then immediately use! It’s SO easy!! ” – Ellie Ford (Grade 7)
Contest Winners!
– The Corujo Family WON the raffle for showing LOVE for our LOCAL vendors In February!
– The Ellis Family WON with highest rebate earned, and the 6th grade Class wins a Popsicle Party for earning the MOST rebates in the April Spring Fling!
Volunteers Needed:
– Sunday Scrip sellers this Summer & Next year… and a team of Coordinators to start shadowing.
– See Volunteer Descriptions for more info: 2023 Scrip Volunteer Position
In Person Gift Card Sales: Wednesday 8-9am, Friday 2:30-2:30pm and every other Sunday 9:30-10:30am (THIS SUNDAY).
*Last School Day sale will be Wednesday, June 14th. Start planning for summer!😎
Contact us at:
Hot Lunch
All pizza lunches will include choice of drink (water, soda, juice) and a treat.
Hot dog lunches will include choice of drink (water, soda, juice) bag of chips and treat.
Cost is $5 per lunch extra slice or hot dog is additional $1. Please see the link below for the order form.
If you volunteer to help with our Hot Lunch fundraisers, please use the Sign Up Genius below:
STMS Hot Lunch Fundraiser – Volunteers Needed
Hot Lunch Schedule
May 26 Hamburger | June 2 Pizza |
Library News
May 22-26th ALL books are due!
May 19-26th Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair (more info later)
June 5th Last day for AR tests (3-8)
Scholastic BOGO Book Fair
May 20th – May 26th
This is a BOOKS ONLY Book Fair to get some great books for summer reading. Scholastic matches up prices so you’ll pay for your most expensive book, then get the next priced book FREE. Books must be bought in even increments though and the sale does NOT include online purchases.
May 23-26th Students shop with their classes during designated class times throughout the week. Families may shop after school until 3:30.
Families may also shop together after the Kinship Mass on Friday, the 26th.
Volunteers are needed. Please sign up at
STMS Yearbook
A limited number of Yearbooks are still available, but on a first come, first served basis. Don’t let your child miss out on precious memories of this school year. Only $30. Order forms are still available in the office.
Annual Catholic Appeal
“Give, and it will be given to you.” Luke 6:23 is the theme of this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, and last weekend kicks off the 2023 Campaign. The Annual Catholic Appeal funds ministries and services for our local Catholic community across Western Washington. This combined effort of parishes and missions ensures the availability of outreach ministries, education, faith formation, administration services for parishes and much more! You should have received Archbishop Etienne’s in-depth letter this week highlighting the ministries that support our communities.
This year, our parish has set a goal of $ $94,911 ___________. All gifts received over our goal will be returned to the parish for our parish project which is_the upgrading of Dalton Hall and Renggli Room. Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in helping our
parish be a light to others.
It’s easy to give to the ACA:
· Online at
· Scan the QR Code
Vacation Bible School
Please see the flyer linked below for more information about St. Thomas More Parish’s vacation bible school.
Parents who wish to volunteer will need to be current on their Virtus Training, Protecting God’s Children and complete the Volunteer Handbook acknowledgement form.
Here are some upcoming training dates that are nearby (register on Virtus):
6/11 Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Duvall
Online sessions are also available in English and Spanish. Visit and click on the Current Registration tab.
Trainings are good for 3 years. If you need to renew your status, you can do so online at
The Qualifying Track and Field Meet was last Saturday. Great job to all the athletes that competed. You all did an amazing job. Congratulations to those who qualified for the below field events. And, thank you to those who have volunteered for the preliminary meet and qualifying meet. The track results are still pending. Boys Shot Put
8th Grade
Boys and Girls Turbo Jav
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
8th Grade
Boys Long Jump
5th Grade
8th Grade
Boys and Girls Softball Throw
4th Grade
5th Grade
Our All Comers and Championship meet is Saturday, June 3rd at Highline Stadium.
All-Comers: 10:00 AM
Championship Meet: 12:00 PM
Please come out and support our STMS Phoenix. 💙🏃💙🏃
Guidelines for COVID, Flu and RSV
Updated May 2023
St. Thomas More School is following the COVID guidelines published by the Washington State Department of Health and the Snohomish Health District*. As of the end of May 15, STMS had 22 reported cases of COVID-19 positive test results since September 2022.
The Snohomish Health District has recently revised their guidelines. The link to the guidelines can be found below:
Snohomish County Health Department COVID Guidelines
WA State Department of Health Guidelines
Important Updates to STMS Guidelines
- If your child tests positive, the quarantine period is 5-10 days. If after 5 days, your child is symptom free and has not had a fever within the last 24 hours, he/she may return to school and will need to remain masked through day 10.
- Day 0 is the first day of the onset of symptoms, or if asymptomatic, the first day of the positive test.
- If your child was previously asymptomatic before testing positive, but starts to exhibit symptoms after testing, day 0 is the first day of symptoms (the 5-day count starts over).
- Siblings of a child who test positive, or if a child is exposed to someone else in the home who tests positive, may return to school as long as there are no COVID-19 symptoms and remain masked through day 10 of exposure of anyone in the household testing positive for COVID.
- If your child exhibits symptoms of illness at school, they will be asked to wear a mask, and we will call home. We have COVID-19 testing available at school – please email or call the office if you would like your child tested.
If students have active symptoms from any respiratory infections and/or have a fever, they should not come to school.
*If you have any questions regarding STMS guidelines, please contact the school office at (425) 743-4242. Please note that although STMS guidelines are based on the Washington State Department of Health and the Snohomish County Health District, we reserve the right to add extra precautions.
Anyone looking for volunteer hours? We can always use your help in patrol!! You will receive 1 hour for every AM or PM day. Please contact me (Robert Trias) for which days you are available and either mornings (AM) or afternoons (PM) or both. You contact myself @ (206)353-2000 or , I will also be doing patrol every Monday (PM), so you can talk to me at school.
Thank you!!!