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At St. Thomas More, our technology program equips students with the skills to use technology as a powerful tool for learning. Through hands-on instruction and interactive lessons, students learn how to leverage various tech resources to enhance their education, solve problems, and think critically. Our program emphasizes responsible digital citizenship and prepares students to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, all while integrating technology in a way that complements their academic growth and personal development.

Accelerated Reader: Available for Kindergarten through 8th grade, students read books and take quizzes to test their comprehension. Students in grades 3-8 have specific reading goals to achieve at each level.

MAPs (Measures of Academic Progress): Students in grades 1-8 are assessed twice a year in Math, Science, Reading, and Language Arts to track academic progress.

TechnoKids: Available for all grades, this program enhances students’ technology skills through engaging, hands-on projects.

TypingClub!: Designed to help students of all ages improve their typing proficiency.

Microsoft Office Suite: Accessible to all grades, giving students the tools to enhance productivity and collaboration.

Destiny: A library management system available to all grades, helping students access and manage digital and physical resources effectively.

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