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Parents Club

The STM Parents Club promotes the welfare of students, parents and faculty by fostering a closer relationship between home, school and community. Our primary focus is to stimulate unity and involvement within the community through several activities that include both fundraising and volunteer service opportunities.

The STM Parents Club is open to everyone and we cannot exist without parent volunteers to assist with our numerous events and committees. All Parents of STM students are members of the Parents Club.

Who is a member?

All parents, of STM students, are automatically members of Parents Club.

How to get Involved?

Throughout the year, there will be many opportunities to step forward and help out our school. All opportunities to volunteer will be through volunteer spot. All volunteer spots will be announced, as well as the link to sign up, through email, newsletter,  and this page.


Parent Club Officers

Co-Chairs: Sharoon Lantoria and Jessica Lang


Fundraising Chairs for the 2020-2021:

Magazines – Joy Hequibal

Cookies – Brigitte Poole

Pixie – Sharon Geyer and Margie Jimenez

Boon – Margie Jimenez

Wreaths- Anna and Nick Golla’s

Chocolate – Francesca Abellera

Sunshine Chair – Gemma Ardiente

Treasurer – Carrie Verge

SCRIP -Pam with Tiffany taking over

Hospitality – Brandy Corujo

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